The charities regulator decided that it would not give consent to the charity Catholic Care to amend its charitable objects to restrict its adoption services to heterosexual prospective parents only.
Source: Catholic Care (Diocese of Leeds): Application for consent to a change of objects under Section 64 of The Charities Act 1993, Charity Commission for England and Wales
Links: Decision | Charity Commission press release | EHRC press release | BHA press release | LGF press release | NSS press release | Guardian report | BBC report | Telegraph report | PinkNews report | Community Care report
Date: 2010-Aug
An article examined how birth relatives in England and Wales could access adoption support services, using data obtained from a mapping study of adoption support services. Low uptake of services was found to be a problem.
Source: Jeanette Cossar and Elsbeth Neil, 'Supporting the birth relatives of adopted children: how accessible are services?', British Journal of Social Work, Volume 40 Number 5
Links: Abstract
Date: 2010-Jul
The High Court ruled that a Catholic adoption society should not be required to treat homosexual couples as parents when considering adoption requests.
Source: Catholic Care (Diocese of Leeds) v Charity Commission for England and Wales & Anor, High Court 17 March 2010
Links: Text of judgement | Stonewall press release | BHA press release | NSS press release | TUC press release | Christian Institute report | Guardian report
Date: 2010-Mar
A survey of adoption agencies in England and Wales examined 'linking and matching' practice. It considered the varying costs and outcomes for children, and highlighted innovative practice. It also looked at the diametrically opposed views about the subject among practitioners.
Source: Cherilyn Dance, Danielle Ouwejan, Jennifer Beecham and Elaine Farmer, Linking and Matching, BAAF Adoption and Fostering
Links: Summary
Date: 2010-Feb
A think-tank report said that upwards of 1,000 children a year were living in foster care unnecessarily because local authorities in England were failing to work closely with voluntary sector providers of adoption services.
Source: James Groves, No Place Like Home: Improving adoption services in England, Policy Exchange
Links: Report | Policy Exchange press release | Guardian report | Local Government Chronicle report
Date: 2010-Feb